Basic Grade Medical Scientist Histology

Job Title: Basic Grade Medical Scientist Histology Reports: Chief Medical Scientist Histology                         Accountable: Pathology Manager                          Hours: 35 hours                                       ROLE PURPOSE Perform as part of a team within the relevant department and throughout the laboratory to ensure that the laboratory delivers a quality service to the users of the service.  Work towards meeting the quality objectives of the laboratory and the Blackrock Clinic and assist the pathology manager and quality co-ordinator in leading the staff towards achieving these quality objectives. Practise within the Codes of Practice, Rules and Guidelines set out by the Academy of Medical Science and comply with the policies and procedures of Blackrock Clinic. Be professionally accountable to the patient. Be personally accountable for own actions at all times. QUALIFICATIONSa)      Possess an appropriate Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Biomedical Sciences from an approved universityorb)     Possess the Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences of the Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street or the Regional Technical College, Cork awarded prior to 1994orc)      Possess a recognised qualification at least equivalent to (a) or (c) aboveandd)     Have attained the fellowship examination of the Institute of Biomedical Scienceore)     Possess a postgraduate degree in the field of Medical Laboratory Scienceandf)       Possess fellowship of The Academy of Medical Laboratory Science (FAMLS) or be eligible for fellowshipandg)      Possess 1-4 years experience in a medical Laboratory since qualifying as a Medical Laboratory Scientist KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 1.             Technical/Scientific 1.1         Perform routine, specialised and research/development work as determined by the chief medical scientist, pathology manager or consultant histopathologist and departmental rotas to the highest professional standards,1.2         Perform work in a timely accurate and safe manner 1.3         Handle all specimens appropriately according to standard operating procedures (SOP) and the Faculty of Pathology, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland guidelines.1.4         Maintain a safe environment for patients, visitors and colleagues according to hospital and departmental policies. 1.5         Function effectively in an emergency situation. 1.6         Adapt to changing workloads. 1.7    Follow good laboratory practice in line with the quality management system and work to ISO 15189, JCI standards and INAB guidelines at all times. 1.8         Participate in and review quality assurance and proficiency testing programmes 1.9         Monitor internal quality control/assurance according to departmental policy.1.10     Supervise and delegate as appropriate, the registration, custody and stock level of the laboratory reagents and other materials held in the laboratory according to laboratory policy. 1.11     Facilitate, in conjunction with the chief medical scientist, the evaluation and validation of equipment and consumable items1.12     Ensure adequate maintenance of equipment and prompt response to equipment failures and other issues. 1.13     Ensure the prompt and adequate reporting of laboratory incidents according to the quality management system policies and participate in departmental audits. 1.14     Assist the chief medical scientist in ensuring training, competency and proficiency of all staff with the department. 1.15     Ensure timely and accurate reporting and releasing of results   2.      Communication Skills 2.1         Maintain documents and records according to the laboratory quality management system and procedures of Blackrock Clinic. 2.2         Communicate appropriately with consultants, colleagues and other health professionals, recording all communications according to hospital and laboratory policies. 2.3         Deal with queries and problems arising in the department in a timely and appropriate manner and referring unresolved issues to management. 2.4         Recognise self-limitations and seek assistance when required. 2.5         Attend and contribute to staff meetings and other pathology meetings. Where appropriate ensure minutes are recorded and communicated.  2.6         Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict, prevents undue anxiety and promotes healthy working relationships. 2.7         Ensure clear and accurate communication is maintained with the consultant histopathologists.  3.      Health & Safety 3.1    Comply with Health and Safety policies and procedures which includes ensuring equipment used on the service is maintained to the required standard and defects are reported to appropriate authorities as soon as possible. 3.2    Implement agreed policies, procedures and safe professional practice and in line with      ISO15189 standards. 3.3    Work in a safe manner with due care and attention to the safety of self and others. 3.4    Be aware of Risk Management issues, identify risks and take appropriate action. 3.5    Report any adverse incidents or near misses. 3.6    Adhere to department policies in relation to the Care and Safety of any equipment. 3.7    Collection of Laboratory waste as determined by laboratory protocol to include disposal of specimens. 3.8    Disinfection and cleaning of equipment and benches according to laboratory protocol.  4.      Professional Expectations 4.1    Function within the standards of Academy of Medical Science and hospital policies, procedures and standards. 4.2    Support the Mission Statement of Blackrock Clinic. 4.3    Observe appropriate lines of authority. 4.4    Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in other areas of the Pathology department as required. 4.5    Participate in annual joint review and in setting annual goals and objectives with Chief Medical Scientist. 4.6    Continue to develop personal and professional knowledge and skills. Participates in CPD at the level required by CORU and laboratory management. 4.7    Seek and take professional education opportunities in addition to those provided by the hospital. 4.8    Provide direct supervision to other members of the team as appropriate. 4.9    Promote good team work and motivate team members 4.10 Support departmental management team in the maintenance of the Quality Management System. 4.11 Participate in departmental audits and actively contribute to the attainment and maintenance of accreditation to ISO 15189 standards and INAB guidelines. 4.12 Participate in the education of trainees and assist with the orientation of new personnel. 4.13 Deputise for the Chief Medical Scientist as required. 4.14 Present a professional appearance and be punctual. 4.15 Comply with all hospital policies in relation to Infection Prevention and Control.  This job description indicates the main responsibilities of the post and is subject to periodic revision and amendment with the post holder.   

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