Basic Grade Dietitian - Panel

Basic Grade Dietitian – Panel (Temporary & Permanent)Full time contract x 2(Under the Governance of Mercy University Hospital Cork CLG.) An exciting opportunity has arisen for a new graduate dietitian, or a dietitian wishing to consolidate their skills, to join the clinical nutrition and dietetic team at the Mercy University Hospital (MUH). MUH is a growing hospital serving the people at the heart of the city of Cork as well as those who travel here for their care. The post holder will be a member of the Dietitian team who will deliver a high-quality patient-centred nutrition service to complex inpatients over a range of specialist areas, including oncology, critical care, a number of medical and surgical specialities and care of the elderly. A dietetic service is also provided to St. Michael’s Mental Health Unit & an outpatient service for Upper GI cancer patients. Duties and ResponsibilitiesTo independently manage a clinical caseload of patients as deemed appropriate by the dietetic manager.To assess and review the nutritional status and needs of patients who have been referred to the MUH Clinical Nutrition and Dietetic Department in accordance with departmental policy based on caseload and priorityTo develop, implement & monitor nutrition care plans according to individual patient needs, using evidence-based practice.To communicate effectively with patients & carers in order to ensure a high quality service to patients.To liaise with pharmacy, catering, external companies and/or supplies department regarding the provision of special diets, nutritional products, ancillary items, etc., as required.To ensure appropriate discharge planning in conjunction with patients’ families/carers and the multidisciplinary team.To communicate and coordinate with community teams, external companies & other acute hospital departments in relation to their patients as appropriateTo participate in the department student training program (including mentoring & being shadowed)To actively participate in CPD to develop new skills & to maintain & update existing skills, & to document same in portfolio.Eligibility CriteriaCandidates must:Be registered or eligible for registration as a Dietitian by the Dietitians Registration Board at CORU.Have the requisite knowledge & ability for the proper discharge of the duties of the office. This will include a high standard of suitability and professional abilityHave excellent communication skills and work well within a teamCandidates who are graduating in 2024 are eligible to apply. Closing date for applications is 1pm Wednesday 7th August 2024The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled. For informal enquiries, please contact Miriam Abbott, Dietetic Manager on 0214248170 or email

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