
What is expected from the candidate:To deliver friendly, efficient customer service and to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere to all of our customers, with the key aim of retaining and attracting new customers. To exhibit at all times the demeanour and professionalism required to uphold the standards necessary to maintain the reputation of Mount Wolseley Hotel as a hotel of the highest calibre and service levels.Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:·        Deliver excellent customer service at all times.·        Serve and present beverages to customers in a quick and efficient manner while maintaining our hotel standards. ·        Dealing with cash on a daily basis while taking payment for food & beverage.·        Ensuring full awareness of cash handling procedures within the hotel. ·        Replenish stock when required.·        Ensure that breakages and waste are recorded.·        Ensure that correct measures and correct pouring of alcohol is adhered to.·        Keep up to date with current promotions and new products.·        Make customers aware of offers on our extensive food and beverage range.·        Speak to customers to ensure that they are satisfied with their Food & Beverage.·        Ensure that the bar, front-of-house and toilets are kept clean and tidy at all times.·        Ensure that all checklists are completed at the end of your shift and that the Bar is left in excellent condition. I.e. Clean and tidy; preparation done for next shift; ready for operation for the next shift.·        Maintain personal knowledge by completing in-house training.·        Always adhere to all company policies, procedures and licensing laws.·        Be involved and contribute at team meetings.·        Carry out any instructions given by the management team.·        Build and maintain good relationships with all team members.·        Be able to communicate well with people of all levels.·        Be professional at all times.·        Remain calm, patient and polite, if receiving customer feedback.·        To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene and adherence to uniform policy including the wearing of a name badge.·        To be fully familiar of all policies of the hotel.

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