
The Cliff House Hotel is a five-star, privately owned luxury hotel located close to Cork and Waterford. The building seems to cling to a cliff on the south side of Ardmore Bay. From sun-drenched terraces and private balconies it is possible to see Ardmore’s sands, lobster pots and dolphins that play out on the water. All our luxury rooms and suites are sea facing while many are interconnected to provide family-friendly configurations.We have an amazing opportunity to join our team here at the renowned Cliff House Hotel. You will have a high standard of personal appearance, total focus on the environment and our customers and a desire to learn about food and wine. You will be the professional, warm face of our Bar and be responsible for providing our customers’ with a superb dining experience, while making them feel relaxed and welcome at our amazing Hotel.Requirements:A minimum of 1 years’ experience in a high-volume food and beverage environment working directly with premium cocktails.Exceptional interpersonal and organisational skills.A creative person with a passion for creating and serving only the highest standards in cocktails using only fresh ingredients.Key Duties & Responsibilities:Make syrups, infusions, tinctures, mixed drinks, and cocktails of all types to fulfil customer ordersSuggestively sell both beverages and menu items to guests at the barCreate, compile and update master sheets for all beverage offerings.Skills:Proven ability to work as part of a team.Ability to build and maintain excellent customer relations.Willingness to learn and product knowledge and actively ups

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