Barista / Bartender (No.131 The Promenade)

The Lucky Onion is a family of hotels, inns and restaurants, raised and rooted in The Cotswolds, England.We currently consists of seven Lucky Onion properties; each one with its own distinct character and personality, but all sharing our genuine passion for great design, high quality food & drink and exceptional service. We love eating and feel that some of life’s best memories are created over a table, sharing food with the people we care about most. We use the very best produce, sourced locally wherever possible.We are searching for an experienced barista / bartenders to join our talented bar team for at No.131 The Promenade. Outstanding barista skills, a passion for cocktails and bartending, and exceptional service standards are a must.This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to broaden their barista / bartending skills and would enjoy working autonomously on the bar, bringing love and creativity; making smoothies, juices, cocktails and coffees. You must be creative and confident, contributing to our guest experiences by providing thoughtful and individual service with clever and unexpected touches; always giving above and beyond expectation and making the beginning of peoples’ days bright, memorable and fun.In return:Share of Tronc50% team discount in TLO propertiesMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide team eventsContributory pension schemeRefer a friend reward schemeContinual trainingOpportunity of progressionIf you are inspired to work for The Lucky Onion and love all that we stand for we would be delighted to hear from you. To apply for this role please send us your CV and a cover letter detailing your knowledge, skills and experience.

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