Bar/Waiting Team - The Hollow Bottom, Guiting Power

We have a number of opportunities for Bar/Waiting Team at our Premier Racing Pub, The Hollow Bottom, Guiting Power.At the heart of the local community, we are searching for someone who is passionate and driven, who is guest obsessed and focused on delivering a world-class experience regardless of the occasion. You will demonstrate creativity and confidence, and be passionate about ensuring our guests receive service thoughtful and individual with clever and unexpected touches.Raised & rooted in the Cotswold, The Lucky Onion is where urban sophistication meets local, countryside culture. As purveyors of lifestyle experience and events, you're guaranteed to discover something you weren't looking for.In return:Share of Tronc50% team discount in TLO propertiesMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide team eventsContributory pension schemeRefer a friend reward schemeContinual trainingOpportunity of progressionIf you are inspired to work for The Lucky Onion and love all that we stand for we would be delighted to hear from you. To apply for this role please send us your CV and a Cover letter detailing your knowledge, skills and experience.

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