Bar Tender - Gin & Juice

We are looking for experienced bartenders to join our talented bar team in Gin & Juice @ No.131 The Promenade. A real passion for cocktails, craft beers and service is a must, as is a sense of fun, showmanship, and professionalism.You will be creative and confident, contributing to our guest experiences by providing thoughtful and individual service with clever and unexpected touches; always giving above and beyond expectation and making the beginning of peoples’ days bright, memorable and fun.Experience working in busy bars and making quality cocktails would be a massive plus, as would a desire to progress your career in the industry.In return:Share of Tronc50% team discountMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide team eventsContributory pension schemeRefer a friend reward schemeContinual trainingOpportunity of progressionIf you are inspired to work for The Lucky Onion and love all that we stand for we would be delighted to hear from you. To apply for this role please send us your CV and a Cover letter detailing your knowledge, skills and experience.

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