Bar Staff for Christmas & New Year

O’Donoghue Ring Collection is home to Hotels, Apartments, Spa, Restaurants & Bars centrally located in the vibrant town centre of Killarney and Castleisland, Co. Kerry. Our Killarney-based hotels include the Killarney Plaza Hotel & Spa, the Killarney Avenue Hotel, and the Killarney Towers Hotel. The River Island Hotel is located at the heart of Sliabh Luachra in the vibrant market town of Castleisland. Our company philosophy is built upon three core values: employee experience, customer experience, and standards of excellence. Awarded a ‘Great Place to Work’ and Green Hospitality Certified.We're hiring part-time staff to support social events over the Christmas and New Year period across our four hotels:Killarney Plaza HotelKillarney Avenue HotelKillarney Towers HotelRiver Island Hotel What We’re Looking For:Candidates aged 18 years and olderExperience with bar serviceExceptional customer service skills and a friendly attitudeIf you want to make an impact, O’Donoghue Ring Collection is the place for you. Not sure if you meet all the qualifications? If this role excites you, we encourage you to apply. Explore all opportunities on our careers page.O’Donoghue Ring Collection is an Equal Opportunity Employer, but that’s just the start. We believe different perspectives help us grow and achieve more. That’s why we’re dedicated to hiring and developing the most talented and diverse team – which includes individuals with different backgrounds, abilities, identities and experiences.  

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