Bar Person

We are currently recruiting for Bar Staff. We are passionate about exceeding our guests' expectations and our Bar Staff are extremely customer-focused and passionate about delivering a superior experience for our guests.  Requirements for Bar Staff · Previous experience preferred but not essential as full training will be provided.· A positive, welcoming attitude and good communication skills.· Commitment to delivering a high level of customer service.· Excellent personal presentation standards.· Ability to work effectively and positively as part of a team.· Fluent in English both verbally and written essential.Responsibilities for Bar Staff· Ensure the bar area is kept stocked and well maintained· Ensure guests needs are met· Efficient Dispensing and Serving of Drinks· Operating Tills · Upselling of products· Bar Closing at the end of the shift to a high standard and in line with policies.· Work harmoniously with all waiters and management.· Take care of all bar equipment according to SOPs. Benefits for Bar Staff· Competitive salary.· Fun working environment.· Discounted stays for hotels.· Staff Meals· Internal career development opportunities.· Excellent training and development plan. 

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