Bar person

SCOPE & GENERAL PURPOSE OF JOB: To exhibit at all times the demeanour and professionalism required to uphold the standards necessary to maintain the reputation of Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel as a hotel of the highest calibre and service levels by using the tenets of Service Excellence.  ACCOUNTABILITIES: o  To offer the highest level of guest service in the Food & Beverage areas, ensuring the agreed standards are achieved at all times. o  To follow and adhere to all standards of performance within the Restaurants and Bars, ensuring all services offered are of the highest 4* quality o  To comply with all cash procedures at all times as set down by management and inform management of any errors/discrepancies o  To control stock levels in all bars, ensuring that all waste and spillages are recorded correctly and reported immediately to relevant management o  To ensure that the F&B areas have safe working practices and that all spillages etc are tended to without delay o  To ensure that all credit cards and cheques are dealt with in accordance with hotel policy o  To offer the highest level of Guest Care in line with the Company Guest Care Policy o  To ensure that you have an in-depth knowledge of your department product to include all menus, specials and cocktails, in addition to being aware of the total hotel facilities. o  To work as part of the Team, being aware of colleagues and their needs, and being flexible at all times to the requests of management o  To promote sales within the department and across the hotel o  To have pride and commitment in your area of work.o  To attend training sessions as required. o  To attend appraisal / assessments as required. o  To attend Hotel and Departmental Meetings as required, ensuring effective communication at all levels. o  To maintain all company policies and procedures. o  To ensure that all hygiene regulations are adhered to at all times as required by law.o To comply with statutory and legal requirements for Health & Safety, Fire, Hygiene, Licensing and Employment as required by law.

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