Banqueting Chef de Partie

The Role:Serving seasonal Irish food our busy, popular Hotel and Golf Club which is accredited by critics and loved by guests. We are looking for an experienced pastry chef to join a dedicated team of award winning team.Efficiently run their own section ensuring that every dish served is of consistently high standard within the agreed timeframe.Have a passion and flare for food, starters in particular;Work varying shifts and up to 5 days per week in the busy Kitchen department;Ensure compliance to and document in accordance with HACCP and Food Safety Regulations;Liaise and communicate with colleagues;Ensure a professional, friendly and courteous service;To work with the team to ensure that designate area is properly prepared and set-up prior to and after service.The ideal candidates will have:3 years’ experience within the industry, in operation(s) with Banqueting and Fine Dining, have a proven track record of experience in a similar establishment renowned for their good food, focuses on seasonality, Irish origin and respect for ingredients.Be standards driven;Must be able to work varying shifts including daytime, weekends and evenings;Good knowledge of HACCP;Recognised qualification essential;Excellent Communication and Interpersonal skills; andOwn transport advantageous.Benefits include:FBD Hotels & Resorts Employee, Family and Friends Initiative.Employee assistance program.Discounted Leisure Centre Membership.Paid Wedding Day Off.Discounted Golf Membership and Green Fees.Discounted at the Treatment Suites.Meals on duty.Uniform.Personal Retirement Savings Account or PRSA.VHI. Group Discount Scheme.Discounts in local business.

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