Bank Cardiac Physiologist

Hours: Variable (Evening, Saturdays)Role: Outpatient Echo List & EP/Angio List SaturdaysCardiac PhysiologistBlackrock Clinic is a leading and long established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics.  Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. Blackrock Clinic has been recognised for over ten years by the Joint Commission International (JCI) which accredits only hospitals that raise safety and quality of care standards to the highest levels. We were one of the first hospitals in Ireland to attain this international recognition. Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do. ROLE SUMMARYTo be familiar with the techniques and range of equipment used in current medical practice for the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients referred to the Cardiology Department. You will need:·       Registration with the Association of the Society of Cardiac Technicians.·       A BSc in clinical measurement science or equivalent qualification KEY RESPONSIBILITIES·       Whilst working in this patient facing role requiring empathy, compassion and on going patient care you will need to:·       Perform and interpret the following: ECG’s, Stress tests, Holter monitoring & analysis, BP Monitors & analysis, Event monitors & analysis. Experience in; Electrophysiology, Independent operator in the cath lab, pacemaker, ICD implants, follow up and operating remote device clinics.    ·       Have evidence of knowledge in all core areas, with a specialist knowledge in Electrophysiology, professional qualifications to support this, would be desirable. ·       Support the Head of Department in the implementation of initiatives aimed at improving and developing the service of the Cardiology Department.  The above are all part of what makes up the entire job description which can be requested. The position works a standard hours of 35 hours per week.  Working at Blackrock Clinic we offer many benefits, including:-        Accommodation Assistance – we offer accommodation support for new starters-        Pension – Defined Contribution pension scheme-        Car Parking – on site available to all staff at very reasonable rates-        Educational assistance- supporting employees in development -        Flexibility – we are flexible and like to promote a good work life balance-        Uniforms –provision of uniforms to all staff-        A discounted pharmacy, medical tests, travel tickets and restaurant-        Bike to work scheme – we participate in the Bike to Work scheme and more

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