Automation Project Engineer (Siemens Desigo)

Automation Project Engineer (Siemens Desigo)NeoDyne is a leading Irish and UK Industrial Automation and Electrical Engineering company. Our B2B customer base extends to over 300 companies with turnover predominantly from large multinationals in pharma, high-end food and beverage manufacturing and energy sectors. The company is 25+ years old and employs over 200 talented automation, electrical and IT engineers across offices in Cork, Dublin, Galway, Waterford, and Chesterfield, UK.We are currently seeking an Automation Project Engineer (3+ years' experience) to work on leading-edge automation projects, predominantly in the Energy, Life Science and Food & Beverage sectors. A background in GMP and experience is essential.This role is offered as a full-time contract position. The role is based in a Life Sciences manufacturing plant in Cork.Responsibilities·      Project Management & Execution: Lead end-to-end execution of engineering projects, from feasibility studies through design, procurement, installation, and commissioning. Develop project scopes, schedules, and budgets, ensuring alignment with business objectives. Monitor and report project progress, resolving technical and operational challenges as they arise.·      Stakeholder & Vendor Management: Work closely with contractors and vendors to ensure project execution aligns with site requirements and industry best practices by providing technical support for process improvements, equipment installation, and facility modifications. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including operations, quality, maintenance, and EHS, to implement project solutions efficiently.·      Regulatory Compliance & Documentation: Ensure compliance with GMP. Develop automation scope of works (URS) in conjunction with the System Owner. Update/execute/review/approve Lifecycle documentation on Kneat Electronic Document Management System (FDS, RTM, QAP, QASR, FAT, SAT, IOQ).QualificationsRequired skills·      Level 8 Engineering or Computer Science degree·      Minimum 3 years’ experience managing projects related to process equipment, utilities, and facility upgrades.·      A high level of computer proficiency is required- a working knowledge in Microsoft Office applications.·      Strong knowledge of cGMP's, SDLC methodologies and LEAN/MPS/ Sigma principles. ·      Excellent problem-solving, communication, and stakeholder management skills.Desired skills·      Previous experience using Siemens Desigo BMS (Cleanroom Environmental Control and CTU Monitoring),·      PLC and HMI Programming Experience: Siemens.·      SCADA Experience: DeltaV/ Intouch Wonderware.·      Server and Database experience: SQL Server/ OSI PI database historian/ Thin/FAT Client Application server architecture.·      Experience with facility systems: Fire Alarm/ Access Control systems·      Previous experience with Kneat documentation management system & 21CFR11 compliance.Don’t miss this opportunity to join a company at the forefront of electrical engineering projects in Ireland, the UK and Europe. Apply today!NeoDyne Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications will be treated in strictest confidence.

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