Automation Engineer

We are seeking to recruit an Automation Engineer to support our continued growth. Based in Mallow, Co. Cork., This position will include responsibility for automation and control systems design, specification, programming, simulation and testing, and start-up assistance. Responsibilities:Working from an FDS or Control Philosophy to develop an IO list, hardware specification and PLC HMI programmesSet up modem links, radio links, web based remote SCADA access, control server set-up and maintenanceOn site commissioning of PLC system with electrical commissioning engineersImplement code changes on the automation systems under change control where requiredInvestigate and provide technical advice and support to process engineers and other engineering disciplines on automation related issuesOperate according to SOPs developed for site engineering and maintenancePartner with different disciplines to deliver automation projects in accordance with guidelinesGenerate documentation and SOPs associated with each of the Automation systems as requiredProvide support to tendering department on Automation projects – specifying Hardware, programming time etcManage the specification, development, installation and validation of automation projects within budget and corporate guidelinesTechnical Requirements:Working Knowledge of following;PLC's & HMI's: Allen Bradley , Siemens, Mitsubishi, Schneider & UnitronicsField bus/Communication protocols: CanBus, DeviceNet, ControlNet, Profibus, CC-link, Modbus, Modbus TCP, Ethernet IP, ProfiNet.SCADA Packages: Wonderware Intouch, Indusoft, Citect, Broadwin, Iconics and OPC ServersM2M Platforms: Leased Line, GSM, GPRS/3G, Broadband, Fibre and Radio modems and TelemetryStructured Query Language (SQL), Web Browser, VB Script, SMS FunctionalitySkills/ Abilities:B.Sc. degree in Engineering or equivalent, with particular emphasis in electrical, mechanical, electronic, automation and/or chemical disciplineMinimum 3-5 years experience in industry, preferably in a water, wastewater or related industryWe are also looking for graduatesExperienced with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and vision systems in operating environmentSkills:Engineer Automation GraduatesBenefits:Company Phone Laptop Company Vehicle

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