Assistant Technical Manager

ABP Newry is seeking a proactive and detail-oriented Assistant Technical Manager to ensure the highest standards of quality, safety, and compliance within its meat processing operations. Reporting to the Technical Manager, this role is pivotal in driving food safety, integrity, and regulatory adherence.1.Quality Management: Maintain the Quality Plan and HACCP documents, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.2.Continuous Improvement: Assist the Technical Manager in driving the site's Food Safety & Quality Management System, driving continuous improvement initiatives.3.Audits and Compliance: Assist the Technical Manager in customer certification, factory food safety audits, and maintenance of site approvals and certification.4.Process Compliance: Maintain systems for validating and verifying process compliance, ensuring production meets quality standards and import requirements.5.Technical Reporting: Deliver technical reports to internal stakeholders and customers in a timely manner.6.Personnel Management: Support Technical Manager in employee relations matters, monitor sickness & absenteeism. 7.Animal Welfare: Drive continuous improvement in Animal Welfare standards through auditing and reporting of outcome measures. 

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