Assistant Store Manager - Dun Laoghaire

Shaws Department Stores have an exciting new vacancy for an Assistant Store Manager in their store in Dun Laoghaire. Established over 150 years ago, Shaws has become a trusted, much loved brand and one of Ireland's leading department store retailers. An Irish family-owned business to this day, we enjoy a rich heritage that is steeped in tradition. Our goal is to provide quality products, unmatched service and expert knowledge for all our customers nationwide.Job Purpose:Reporting to the General Manager, the successful candidate will assist with the day-to-day management of a modern department store. You will have specific responsibilities allocated to you by the General Manager, but must have an overall working knowledge of the entire store in order that you can assume the General Manager’s duties during times of absence. Key Responsibilities: To champion the company’s Vision, Mission and Values.To manage specific areas and departments, as allocated to you by the General Manager.To assist the General Manager to achieve the highest levels of Customer Service and to ensure that store standards, at all times, reflect the Shaws’ brand.To assist and provide feedback to the General Manager regarding all day-to-day business.To drive sales to full potential. To highlight poor performing departments and to identify reasons for any declines in sales.To deal with and resolve customer queries and complaints in accordance with the company’s customer service policy.To oversee the management of store rosters to ensure that costs are controlled and within budgets.To actively participate in weekly management meetings bringing forward all issues, ideas, feedback, etc.To assist the General Manager in training and development initiatives, including giving direction/guidance to supervisors and implementing staff training.To communicate effectively, both within the store and with head office personnel, to ensure a two-way flow of information and that all requests for information are followed through within set deadlines.To assist the General Manager to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all persons (staff, customers, visitors, concessionaires, contractors, and members of the public) affected by the activities of the store.To assist the General Manager to ensure that all of the company’s policies and procedures are implemented in-store.Skills & Experience Required:Proven ability in managing a diverse retail offering within a fashion retail environmentExcellent organisation skills required with the ability to lead and motivate a teamWorking knowledge of employment law, health & safety regulations and consumer lawIf this sounds like your next career move then we would love to hear from you!

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