Assistant Site Manager

We are looking to for an Assistant Site Manager to join the team in M3 Mulhuddart.The role of Assistant Site Manager is to ensure that the Site operates effectively and hygienically at all times with the highest standards of service to meet our customers’ expectations.                                                            The role will also involve responsibility for ensuring compliance in relation to fresh food, hygiene, health & safety on site. In addition, the Assistant Site Manager will support the Site Manager in relation to supporting the department management teams in the day to day operation of the business.Employee Benefits:·         60% Staff Discount·         Employee Rewards Scheme·         Peer Awards Scheme·         Employee Referral Scheme·         Free On-site staff parking·         Excellent Career Progression Opportunities·         Bike to Work Scheme·         Premium pay for work on Sunday·         Premium pay for Night WorkMain Duties:Commercial·        To increase Sales and Profitability within the Site.·        To develop a system and culture of forecasting likely peak demand period/times, i.e. concerts, sporting events, etc. which will increase motorway traffic.·        Marketing within the site in line with Head Office Marketing Guidelines.·        To have regular meetings both with staff and Support Office to review the control and objectives of the site.·        To monitor department costs so as to ensure budgets are adhered to, including wages in line with KPI’s.Customer Service·        To deal effectively with customer issues and to create a culture of positive customer interaction with Colleagues. Thus ensuring that the highest standard of care is extended to all our customers.·        To develop a spirit of professional and friendly customer service.·        To maintain the highest levels of Quality, Service, Hygiene and Cleanliness within the site.HR·        To develop a strong management structure and in particular develop your team (Duty Managers, Lobby & Forecourt)·        Responsible for training staff in line with HR in the Support Office.·        Responsible for key HR issues within the Departments, including recruitment, training and performance management.General·        Responsibility for all Food Service, Insomnia and Forecourt.·        General up keep of site.·        Responsible for Health & Safety on site.·        Legal compliance for both staff and site.·        Deputise for the Site Manager when requested to do so.Key Skills / Competencies Needed·           Interpersonal skills·           Communication skills·           HACCP knowledge·           People management skills·           Supervisory skills·           Financial Skills·           Reporting & Presentation skills·           Analytical skills·           Time management skills·           Problem solving·           PC/IT Skills ***We do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies at this time ***

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