Assistant Reception Manager

Talbot Hotel Wexford are currently recruiting for an experienced Assistant Reception Manager to join our growing team. The successful candidate will support the Reception Manager of Talbot Hotel Wexford in the day-to-day running of the business. The newly appointed Assistant Reception Manager will primarily be based in the Talbot Hotel Wexford, however, will also be expected to assist in the operations of the company’s other revenue properties in Wexford subject to business needs.  Overall Job Purpose:To maintain the smooth and efficient running of Reception ensuring that all guests both on the phone and in person are treated to a 4 Star service. To actively promote all aspects of the Hotel. To communicate with guests and clients and ensure that all requirements and requests are carried out to Company standards. Role Specific Duties: To ensure smooth operation of the shift, ensuring all company standards are met.Responsible for the correct handling and charging of all daily business accounts.To have total product knowledge of all the Hotel services and facilities.To action all enquiries, taken by telephone or in person, promptly and maintain a high standard of customer service whilst doing so.To answer the switchboard in a warm and friendly manner and to take messages when required.To liaise with housekeeping with reference to the allocation of rooms.To make reservations when required and to maximise room revenue at peak times and offer best rates possible at low times and up-sell where possible.To supervise all reception staff ensuring that they are complying with all company standards.To ensure that the Hotel is promoted at all times and to implement upselling procedures.To ensure the correct handling and charging of all daily business accounts and to ensure that all reception staff are aware of correct procedures.To ensure floats are correct and all cash/credit card handling is carried out correctly.To assist in the maintenance of equipment ie. Bleeps, vingcards, credit card terminals etc. To ensure they are functional and repairs/upgrades are carried out when necessary.To assist in the training of all staff when required.To carry out our customer relations policy ensuring that we maintain 4 Star standards at all times.To have good numeric, literacy and computer skills, possessing Microsoft Word, Excel.To ensure that you are proficient in HotSoft;  ·        The successful candidate will have:1 years' previous experience in a similar role;Friendly and professional work attitude;Fluent English essential - written and spoken;Must be available to work variable shifts;Excellent interpersonal and organisational skillsExperience in using Hotsoft would be a distinct advantage This position will involve shift and weekend work.  What do we offer?Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounted Accommodation RatesLife InsuranceEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemePension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parkingUniform ***Talbot Collection Wexford is an equal opportunities employer***  Talbot Collection Wexford is certified as a Great Place to Work.  

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