Assistant Quality Manager

C & D Foods is one of Europe’s leading Own Label Pet food manufacturers producing a range of Wet and Dry Pet foods. C & D Foods has 7 production facilities across 6 Countries (Ireland, Denmark, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK) and 2 sales offices (Germany and Italy). Our Driffield site it located in East Yorkshire, and is one of the major producers of dry Petfood for the business.We are seeking a skilled, proactive and enthusiastic Assistant Quality Manager to work in our Hygiene department. Joining the C & D Foods Team gives each successful candidate the opportunity to grow within the company. The role offers full training, full PPE and unlimited spaces for development and progression.Reporting to the Quality Manager, this role will share the responsibility for the Food Safety & Quality Management Programme by helping to develop a Food Safety Culture within the business and advocating Hygiene Standards by adhering to, and monitoring procedures and practices, sustaining and improving standards and embracing change. Due to the complexity of our customer base, we are a highly audited site and therefore must be continually compliant with Customer Codes of Practice, Technical Policies and Standards in addition to maintaining our BRCGS Accreditation. The primary focus of the Assistant Quality Manager will be to work within the Quality Department to strengthen the Food Safety Management System to ensure it encompasses and maintains all required standards as referenced above and ensure that the site is audit ready every day.Main Responsibilities are not limited to but will include:1.       Implement, develop and maintain the food safety management system under guidance from the Quality Manager. 2.       Review of all relevant customer COPs and supporting documents and BRCGS, identifying the gaps and implementing the changes to ensure compliance. 3.       Liaising with the owners of the relevant prerequisites & areas managers to ensure they are aware of their ownership and responsibility to the food safety management system.4.       Working with production in the Development of Site Practices in line with Retailer Standards & Codes of Practices 5.       We are a highly audited site and need to be audit ready every day, Preparation for customer visits / audits is essential and Leading / participating in customer audits and factory visits is a must6.       Line Management of the Quality Technician and the Quality Assistant7.       Support production in reviewing and dispositioning of Isolated stock as required8.       Report to QM for relevant management meetings on items such as rejected or isolated stock, GMP scores, fabrication and any other reporting as requested9.       Attend first production runs and work with production and R&D to achieve RFT and ensure product sign off10.   Work with engineering on fabrication close out.11.   Working with environmental and engineering to manage water micro testing sampling and management of results12.   Managing pest control for the site under the support and guidance of the Quality manager. Escalate any issues, trend and analyse, ensuring the pest dash board is updated13.   Know and understand the three CCPs on site Extrusion temperature, finished product moisture and metal detection, ensure operators are fully trained, with training verification and the SOP is kept up to date.14.   Particular focus on foreign body control and metal detection operation within the dry plant15.   Member of the internal audit, traceability & HACCP Team 16.   Support the internal audit programme, updating the annual schedule and risk assessment with any new requirements. Review of contents of Audit templates to ensure requirements with the clauses in all relevant standards and COPs. Agree close out times and follow up on any internal audits17.   Ensure all audit non-conformances (internal/ External) are robustly closed in accordance with the agreed timelines18.   Lead and drive projects around foreign body risk assessments and any other food safety initiatives19.   Provide Cover for department colleagues in their absence, including deputise for the Quality manager20.   Work closely other members of the Quality team to achieve the Key quality Objectives of the site. 21.   Maintain and update Site Quality KPI’s.  22.   Track Quality performance for the site.23.   Monitor supplier performance24.   Maintain the document control log and corresponding paperwork25.   Customer complaint investigation and management with the support of the Quality manager26.   Working with operations to ensure that staff always conform to the site Hygiene RulesKey Competencies:·            Third Level Degree, or equivalent Qualification in Food Science or similar ·            Experience in food processing or manufacturing or pharmaceutical with ideally a minimum of 4 years’ experience in a dedicated Quality Role·            Strong background in Food Safety, Risk Assessments, Quality Management Systems, and process control·            Experience of BRCGS Standards and Customer Codes of Practice·            Knowledge of HACCP, ideally Level 3 or above·            Experience in the development and management of Food Safety Management Systems in a regulated environment, including process management principles, internal audits, and continual improvement·            Self-motivated with initiative to work individually or part of a team·            Attention to detail and excellent interpersonal skills·            Proactive with good time management skills·            A demonstrated numerical ability to record, interpret and analyse key process data·            A high level of computer literacy and competency·            A willingness to travel to other sites within the business if required·            Ability to motivate staff·            Proven track record of success in the delivery of objectives third level degree qualification in Food Science, Engineering, or similar qualification.

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