Conferences & Meetings Manager

We have a fantastic new vacancy for a Conferences & Meetings Manager in the Ashling Hotel.  Main Duties: ·        General taking of all conferences and meetings enquiries and reservations by phone, emails and through other channelsTo manage the smooth running, organisation and set up of all meetings, conferences and related business·        Be able to communicate with all our clients and guests by telephone, fax, email and responding to all requests in a professional & timely manner, endeavoring to convert every call into a sale.To conduct face to face meetings with clients on their request and to attend “walk in” meetings ·        To maximise on all sales and referral leads. Be able to lead and motivate the team and to train and develop staff in line with company polices and SOP manualForecast and roster according to budget and business levels.Encourage high standards and proceduresMaximise the sales opportunities that occur within the planning and operations stages of the meetings and conferences Excellent communication, interpersonal and leadership skillsExcellent delegation, negotiation and people management skillsBe target driven and ambitiousComputer literate with experience of using email, reporting, Excel, PMS systems Be competent in completing RFP’s in an efficient and timely manner with a view to winning business, including following up with company representatives.Welcome and interact with Conference organisers and guests throughout the shift to maintain feedback on the product, the quality and the service standardsEnsure that the PM’s are correct and kept up to dateTo attend any meetings as required Maintain good communication and working relationships in all areas of the hotelTo implement Standard Operating Procedures for the Conferences & Meetings office . To take responsibility for the PM’s and ledger bills.To maximise meeting room sales at every given opportunity through proactive sales action to ensure financial profitabilityTo know all AV, dimensions and seating arrangements for each meeting room (and their location within the hotel)To liaise with the different departments for any special requirements, i.e. on a daily basis and advance business. Understanding the business mix – GDS, third party systems, yield, wholesalers, Operators, Travel Agents and our market segments.To liaise with the Sales & Marketing Director, re. Special requirements and set upsTo liaise with accounts department regarding balancing of daily business To have complete knowledge of hotels business To ensure guests requirements are carried out efficiently and promptly. To liaise with the Reservations Department on the bedroom requirements To deal with complaints where possible and to follow them up where necessary and communicate them to the Sales & Marketing Director To have full knowledge of hotel facilities and its amenities To have a complete knowledge of the PMS systemTo ensure all bills are presentable to the guest, as laid down in the SOP’s. To report to management any VIP’s on special requests regarding guests To adhere at all times to company and legal policy regarding, Health & Safety, Hygiene & FireTo report monthly on the performance of the team in the Conferences & Meetings department to the Sales & Marketing Director Occasional Duties:     To report accidents of guests or staff and ensure that an Accident/Incident Report form is completedTo carry out any reasonable requests by ManagementTo attend company in-house and external training programmes when requiredTo adhere and follow the company policies and proceduresTo report any suspicious events or characters to management.     Requirements: ·        2-3 years’ previous experience in a operational management role essential·        Experienced in training, motivating and managing a team to deliver the highest level of service possible·        Experience with large and small conferences from start to finish as you will be one of the points of contact ·        Excellent organisational skills.·        Excellent communication skills.·        Fluency in both written and spoken English·        Previous experience in Opera PMS might constitute an advantage·        Must be flexible to work weekends 

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