Assistant Manager | Northside

Little Harvard is an Irish family-owned business which has been caring for and educating children since 1995. At Little Harvard our employees are highly valued and play a vital part in ensuring that we provide outstanding childcare in a safe and stimulating learning environment.The Assistant Manager will have responsibility for sharing the management duties, including the day to day running of the crèche, and to lead and inspire the staff team with best practice standards. This is a hands-on role, providing support in all areas of the creche.§ Ensure compliance with all childcare regulations.§ Assure that all Little Harvard policy and procedures, legislation and statutory guidelines are being fully implemented, monitored, and adhered to.§ Report any concerns to the appropriate person in a timely manner.§ Follow up with enquiries, organise viewings and new bookings.§ Keep software and online databases such as First Steps, Advanced, NCS & Famly up to date.§ Ensure a high-quality childcare is always provided at the creche.§ Promote the concept of diversity welcoming all families.§ Always ensure the Safety and Protection of the Children in your care§ Promote a work environment of engagement and excellence.§ Ability to liaise with parents, guardians and families and build parent partnerships.§ Manage and staff, supporting their continuous personal development aims and objective.§ Always communicate effectively in a clear and professional manner.§ In depth knowledge of children’s age and stage appropriate needs and development.§ Focus on raising standards in Early Learning and Education. § Ability to implement the company’s curriculum, demonstrating the links between early childcare education, theory and practice in line with the National Framework Curriculum of Aistear & Siolta. ESSENTIAL SKILLS1.      Childcare Regulations, Tusla Inspections knowledge and experience.2.      HACCP knowledge.   3.      NCS Knowledge.4.      Better start / AIM Experience. 5.      Able to work collaboratively with the team, HR, and the Senior Management Team.6.      Excellent communication and team building skills7.      Resilience and leadership.8.      IT Skills (POBAL I.T portal is an advantage). PIP & HIVE/NCS portal an advantage.9.      Take responsibility for all policies of the company and putting them into effect, also company’s procedures, health and safety/risk assessment as stipulated in the Childcare Regulations 2006.10.   Confident Approach.11.   Ensure observations and records of individual children’s progress are maintained and that children’s needs and interests identified through staff observations are reflected in planning.12.   Ensure the health, safety, and development needs of the children in our care are met at all times.13.   Promote and maintain positive relationships with all staff & families.14.   Weekly planning and documenting of curriculum.15.   Ensure rooms are kept clean and organised, adhering to all Covid-19 guidelines for childcare practitioners.16.   Flexible and willing to substitute if required.17.   Work as part of a team18.   Perform any other reasonable duties that may be assigned from time to time. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREDLevel 6 or equivalent (DCYA Approved) | A minimum of 4 years in the childcare area | Commitment to the needs and development of the individual child.Previous management experience / childcare service experience | First Aid, Manual Handling and Child Protection course are an advantage |This is a full time position. Creche is open from 7am to 7pm. Working hours will be agreed with the Manager. Competitive salary depending on qualifications and experience.Get a better look at us:

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