Assistant Manager - In Training

Join an award winning site and progress your career into management with this great opportunity to enhance your career. Junction 14 Mayfield is looking for an enthusiastic and dynamic individual with prior experience in Supervisory or Management roles to join as Trainee Assistant Manager for Chopped and Mayfield Deli. Employee Benefits:·         60% Staff Discount·         Employee Rewards Scheme·         Peer Awards Scheme·         Employee Referral Scheme·         Free On-site staff parking·         Excellent Career Progression Opportunities·         Bike to Work SchemeMain DutiesOrganisation – ensuring you spend your time evenly in the departments and helping out where needed.To ensure the stores operates efficiently and effectively at all times.Learn to assist the Manger with the day to day management both departments, ensuring highest of standards are maintained.Training-in of staff members, ensuring staff are fully HACCP and safety trained and customer service focused.Completion of margins, correcting any issues and reviewing in a proactive manner.Bringing forth new ideas to increase sales in the departments.facilitate cross training of team members between the departments.Managing of staff rostering and people management in liaison with the Department Manager.Providing a quality level of customer service ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the product.Ensuring a clean and tidy working environment.Ordering in of stock, ensuring stock and waste control.Set challenging goals that influence, motivate, inspire staff and team.The Ideal CandidateThe ideal candidate must have 3+ years’ experience in a Supervisor/Assistant Manager role in a high aces/high volume environment.Strong business, general leadership and people management skills.Excellent communication skills with a solution focused approach and a positive attitude.Customer Focus – you are aware that the customer comes first. You have a passion for delivering excellent levels of service to please our visitors! If a customer has a concern, you know how to deal with and resolve it.Personal Drive – you don’t need to be told what to do. You know what is required to succeed and you go about doing it. You go about your work confidently and with great attention to detail!Integrity – honesty is the best policy when it comes to team work, and you respect everyone who you come into contact with.Teamwork – you get on great working in a team. You know when you are required to lead and follow.*** At this time we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies***

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