Assistant Manager Stillorgan

We're on the lookout for an exceptional Assistant Manager to join our dynamic team of our Stillorgan Store.At the heart of our business is an unwavering passion, and you'll play a vital role in making sure our customers' expectations are not just met, but blown away! Your infectious enthusiasm will leave a lasting impression on everyone you interact with. Assistant Managers are brand ambassadors and leaders in our stores. With a passion for wine, it will be your job to drive sales and motivate your teams to deliver the highest levels of service and exceed our customers' expectations.The Role:Reporting directly to the Store Manager you will be responsible for the following:Maximizing all sales opportunities using the company’s Selling Skills StandardsDelivering excellence in customer care at all times, always striving to exceed customer expectationComplying with company policy and legal requirements with regard to selling alcohol and cigaretteDemonstrating excellent product knowledge in line with training and information receivedEnsuring that extremely high operational standards within the store are maintainedSupervising and training junior members of staff.The Person:A genuine passion for our products and excellent wine knowledge is essential - WSET Qualifications are preferableExtremely customer-focused with a passion for delivering a high-end shopping experience.Understands the day-to-day running of a retail store, hard-working with strong operational skills.Able to communicate effectively and confidently with customers.Committed to driving sales and contributing to business development opportunities.Has previous managerial/supervisory experience within a similar environment.A great personality, high energy, friendly, and an ability to motivate a team.Enthusiastic and eager to expand wine knowledge through training courses provided by the companyA positive can-do attitude with a desire to progress a career in a rewarding retail environment.

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