Assistant Manager - Cathedral Pl Limerick

BestDrive are experts in automotive parts repair including tyres, brakes, exhausts and much more, as well as offering a robust car servicing and Pre-NCT checking facility. With over 30 branches across Ireland, we are a Continental Company. We aim to be fully digitalized offering the best technical/software equipment available on the Market. Company:                   BestDriveJob Title:                     Assistant ManagerReports to:                 ManagerJob Purpose:                 As Assistant Manager will the person will be responsible for supporting the Branch Manager in the management of the branch and in his absence. The person will be responsible for ensuring that the team achieve service, sales and quality targets etc in a customer-focused environment whilst ensuring all company policies and procedures are adhered to including Health & Safety Etc. Our ideal candidate will be a leader with a strong business mindset and have Motor Industry experience. You should also be proficient in organizing and solving problems. Interpersonal and mediation skills will be very useful, since you’ll often be acting as a point of contact between manager, employees and customers. The goal is to secure the effective operation of our business and the satisfaction of our clients.  Key Tasks Required:Assist the manager in organizing, planning and implementing strategyCoordinate operations of the BranchSupport on Mechanical queriesEnsure schedules and objectives are metStaff engagementMonitor operating costs, budgets and resourcesCommunicate with clients and evaluate their needs and specificationsSecure adherence to company’s policies and guidelinesEnsuring all administrative work in conducted in a timely mannerRecording all relevant details on our in house systemsSupporting Branch Manager as requested e.g. Audits Essential Requirements:Minimum of 1 year experience in a similar roleGood Technical abilityMust have Mechanical knowledgeExcellent Communication skillsMust have leadership experienceFull Clean Driving Licence essentialMust have some experience in using and navigating computers               Rewards and Conditions:Basic salary - NegBonus SchemeTwenty one days annual leaveWrkit discount cardSick Pay SchemeEmployee Assistance ProgramLife AssuranceATA Training/Virtual Training

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