Assistant Manager

We are recruiting for a full-time Assistant Manager to join our team in Dublin City. Purpose of the RoleYou will be responsible for every aspect of the day-to-day running of the store, including sales, team members, stock and merchandising. Working closely with your team, you will provide a friendly and engaging customer experience in line with the Carrolls vision of being Ireland’s No. 1. Tourist Retailer. This is a management role and can provide a career path to higher management positions.The Ideal CandidateAbility to act with pace and support to coach and motivate other team members to deliver to high standardsGood attention to detail and organized but also able to see the big pictureEnergetic, positive, enthusiastic, and not afraid of hard workReliable and able to work well under pressure, with the ability to multitask and re-prioritize when appropriateExcellent communication skills

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