Assistant Manager

Supermac's at Park Rí are currently inviting candidates to apply for the position of Assistant Manager.Some of your main Responsibilities include the following:Work closely with your Store Manager to deliver amazing service every daySupervise the activities of team members on a daily basis and ensure necessary tasks are completed to meet our high standardsAlways be 100% focused on the customer and your team around youBeing hands on and lead from the front, committed to developing your teamTraining the team on all aspects of the Supermac’s operationsCo-ordinate in-store sales and promotionsTo assist the Store Manager with Recruitment & Selection, Training & Development of Team Members, Daily Restaurant Operations, Food Safety, Employee Relations etc.Your Profile:A minimum of 2 years supervisory experience in the Catering/Hospitality/Quick Service Food industry is requiredDemonstrate excellent people management skillsDemonstrate excellent organisational, communication and planning skillsBe passionate about Customer ServiceBe able to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times especially when in the public eyeYou must be 100% customer focused, innovative, motivating and energetic for this hands on roleKnowledge of Food safety is required (HACCP)You must be flexible to work a mixture of days, evenings and weekendsWhat you can expect:Competitive weekly salaryExcellent opportunities for career progression and CPDA company in growth with a clear vision and amazing culture

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