Assistant Food and Beverage Operations Manager

We are currently seeking an Assistant Food and Beverage Operations Manager with a specific focus for the Conference & Banqueting department to join our amazing team in The Cork International Hotel.  Scope of Work:Overall responsibility for the smooth running of the the conference & banqueting departmentManage and Lead the activities of the above areas assigned to you, to improve & maintain productivity, food quality, service and to increase volume, sales and profits.Ensure that Assistant Manager and supervisors have clear goals and responsibilities.In conjunction with the Deputy GM manage the administration and operational planning (rota) of the departments assigned to you.Confer with Deputy GM and GM on revenue forecasts, budgets, policy and future planningMonitoring and ensuring that all C&B colleagues follow the correct procedures for taking orders, serving food and beverages, clearing tables and billing guests according to standards.Ensure that all controls and procedures are in place and are being check to ensure the smooth and effective running of the departmentWork within the budgeted F&B margins, wage costs and staff productivity, ratio’s, to ensure the efficient running of the departmentResponsible for the overall control of stock and wastage and following up of stock discrepancies.Set financial targets and goals for the teams in order to achieve a productive and profitable resultEnsure these is regular communication and updates on the above targets and goalsDeveloping initiatives to build sales, profitability and guest counts, reporting on such to Deputy GM and GM, including Social Media and Marketing in conjunction with the Sales and Marketing Department.  Experience and Skills:A willingness to learn and a great attitude.Ability to work to a deadlineAble to work on own initiativePrevious experience managing a team in a food and beverage department in hospitality is required Benefits:        Competitive rate of pay        Relocation Assistance        Access to our Company Pension Scheme        Death in Service Benefit        Employee referral bonus        Friends & Family discounts across our restaurants        Special rates in our hotel accommodation        Paid internal and external training days        Access to Trained Mental Health First Aiders        Team Member Social & Wellbeing Events        Team Member Annual Awards, Service Recognition, Monthly Team Member of The Month        Meals on Duty        Assistance with Leap Cards

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