Assistant Director of Nursing - Theatre & Critical Care

Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) Theatre & Critical Care Mater Private Network has an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) to join our Nursing Department here at Mater Private Network. The ADON will be responsible for the Theatre and Critical Care departments within the hospital. Purpose of the Post The ADON is in charge of leading the development and implementation of the Hospital Strategy; investing in quality staff, managing costs responsibly and investing in Business Development. The successful candidate will provide leadership and support to the nursing teams, creating a climate where individuals are empowered to be effective in their own roles. A key element to this role will involve maintaining collaborative working relationships across all departments to ensure the delivery of quality patient care. Role SummaryLead and support the development and implementation of the Theatre / Critical Care ServicesLead and manage all direct reports in the development and implementation of the Hospital StrategyBe responsible for providing leadership and support to the nursing teams in delivering evidenced based exceptional nursing care to all patients.Provide visible and accessible leadership creating a climate where individuals understand their roles and responsibilities being empowered to be effective in their individual roles.Promote and influence a shared vision, sense of commitment and participation among staff in maintaining and developing the hospitals nursing strategy.Proactively identify opportunities to effectively respond to the changing health needs of patients.Advocate and always maintain collaborative working relationships among the multidisciplinary teams across all departments to ensure the delivery of exceptional quality care.Provide balanced decision-making and support within the multi-disciplinary team.Lead and ensure that appropriate quality, JCI Accreditation and HIQA standards are maintained.As the hospital continues to identify service expansion in line with the hospital strategy, the ADON will be responsible for supporting staff during project management in respect new service development data gathering / analysis and decision making in relation to clinical service configuration.     Professional Qualifications, Registration, Essential skills & Knowledge·        Registered General Nurse on the live register with Nursing and Midwifery Board Ireland (NMBI)Management qualification desirableStrong values and commitment to patient safety and quality. Strong leadership skills with the proven ability to inspire and motivate teams and individuals for the benefit of patient care. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Effective at building relationships and influencing others. Adaptable with demonstrated ability to multi-task. High level of business acumen focused on delivering effective results. Self-motivated with commitment towards ongoing professional development.Proven ability to successfully lead and deliver on projects.Mater Private Network is an equal opportunities employer.

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