Assistant Director of Nursing - Cork City

CareChoice is one of Ireland's leading residential homes for the older person. We provide dedicated care and a safe and welcoming home for all our Residents. Our ethos is to create a home from home for our clients, where they can live life to the full with support and respect, whilst enjoying building relationships with all our staff.We are currently seeking an experienced Assistant Director of Nursing who will contribute to delivering high standards of care to our residents in our beautiful home in CareChoice Montenotte.Title: Assistant Director of NursingLocation: CareChoice Montenotte - Cork CityWhat we offer you:Excellent rate of payContinuous Professional Development and trainingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeA supportive organisationSubsidised meals on siteRefer a friend bonusFree onsite parkingEssential Criteria:Have not less than 3 years’ experience of nursing older persons in the last 6 years.Have a minimum of 7 years post-registration experience.Have in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements and regulatory inspection activity as they pertain to residential care centres.Hold a third-level qualification in management.Have the ability to manage one’s own workload effectively while responding flexibly to new demands at short notice.Demonstrate an ability to embrace change and be committed to continuous improvement and learning throughout the residential care home.Have the skill to influence others, build constructive relationships and achieve outcomes.Promote an ethos and culture of quality assurance within the clinical area, identifying and establishing benchmarks and KPIs in consultation with the Director of Nursing.Be a Registered General Nurse.Be available to work flexible hours when required.ResponsibilitiesIn the absence of the Director of Nursing, will undertake the role and responsibilities of the Person-in-Charge in line with the Health Act 2007, related regulations and HIQA standards.Ensure that overall standards of hygiene and food safety are maintained at the highest level possibleLiaise with other CareChoice senior managers in the delivery of housekeeping standards; food safety, quality and choice; maintenance standards; and administration efficiency.Participate in clinical management within the home in consultation with the DON including providing care to residents, communicating with residents/families/representatives, managing staff, monitoring performance and standards, developing policies and procedures, and delivering training.Coordinate the quality and safety system including all aspects of clinical risk management and resident involvement.Participate in coaching and appraisal of staff on a regular basisIn consultation with HR, participate in grievance and disciplinary activitiesCoordinate, roster, and manage staff in conjunction with the senior management team in the HomeLead by example a professional, punctual, and dedicated team.Participate in the development of policies and standards for CarechoiceTo discuss in confidence please call Danielle Lynch - 0860651845

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