Assistant Cellar Bar Manager

The Merrion, one of Dublin’s finest luxury hotels and one of the Leading Hotels of the World is recruiting for a full time Cellar Bar Assistant Manager to join our professional and friendly Food & Beverage Team. Centrally located in Dublin within easy reach of public transport, this role will offer you the opportunity to work in a beautiful hotel where the highest of standards are in place and where you have all the tools you need to do your job. Working alongside an experienced team, you will be offered plenty of training. This is a really rewarding role on a team where you can be assured of a warm welcome! Competitive SalaryIncreased holiday entitlement with length of serviceFree meals on dutyFree dry cleaning of company provided uniformsPrivate Health and Dental Insurance Contributory Pension Plan from the date you start employment, to include death in service benefitRecommend a Friend scheme: bonus paid to you for recruiting a friend or colleague to join The Merrion teamTravel and Bike to Work – Tax saving SchemesEmployee Discounts for room nights, our Garden Room Restaurant and Cellar Bar for you and your family/ friendsFree Employee Assistance Programme – free professional counselling and support on everything from anxiety to parenting to exam stress - for you and all your family members Learning & Development Opportunities The RoleWe are looking for a service driven individual to join our five star Team. This is a fantastic opportunity to either begin or continue your career in one of the Leading Hotels of the World. Working with a professional and welcoming Team you will be part of creating Merrion Moments for our guests and colleagues. The ideal candidate will have the following experience: Minimum of 2 years’ experience at a Supervisory or Assistant Manager level in a similar environmentPossess excellent communication, interpersonal and administration skillsProven track record of meeting and exceeding high standardsHigh standard of experience with Cocktails, Wine and FoodDriven determination in providing the highest standard of service to our guests Who we are looking for A candidate with the ability to be professional and communicate courteously and effectively with guests and colleagues alike. Your enthusiasm will be infectious and will instil confidence in the services offered. It is these qualities that require your commitment and will set us apart at being a most caring and successful hotel.Shift work & flexibility are required in this position.   About The MerrionThe Merrion, a member of the prestigious Leading Hotels of the World, is located opposite Government Buildings in the heart of the city centre. Created from 4 Georgian Townhouses, the 142 bedroom and suites are arranged around two 18th Century style gardens. If you feel this is the role and Company for you, please apply online with your CV & cover letter detailing what you can bring to us at The Merrion.

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