Assistant Building Surveyor

We're excited to present an incredible opportunity for a driven and passionate Assistant Building Surveyor to become a valued member of our Eltham-based team. We also offer the flexibility of hybrid working, making this role even more enticing.Diverse Projects Await:As an Assistant Building Surveyor with us, you'll be at the forefront of captivating projects spanning our core sectors: Housing, Education, Commercial, Care, and Health. This is your chance to immerse yourself in a wide array of intriguing ventures.Energize Your Focus:Within this role, you'll play a crucial part in shaping the future of our projects, with a particular emphasis on energy efficiency and retrofit initiatives. Your contributions will be integral to our commitment to sustainability and innovation.Ideal Candidate Profile:We're looking for an individual with 1-2 years of post-graduate experience, coupled with a dedication to professional growth, demonstrated by your ongoing pursuit of an APC certification.Why Choose Baily Garner:Baily Garner is not your typical consultancy. We're a forward-thinking, modern, and multi-disciplinary firm, where collaborative innovation is at the very heart of what we do. Join us, and you'll find a highly competitive compensation package, along with endless opportunities to develop and thrive within our organisation.Are you ready to take your career to new heights? This position is more than a job; it's an invitation to be part of something greater. If you're the right candidate, the sky's the limit for your growth at Baily Garner.Some of our amazing benefits include:Scottish Widows pension and salary sacrifice (4.5% contribution matched)Medicash, health planReimbursement of professional feesProfessional development schemeFlexible working hoursHybrid workingBirthday leaveBiannual pay reviewsBaily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs.

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