Assistant Branch Manager - Camden

About LawsonsLawsons is the UK’s largest independent fencing, timber and builders’ merchants and now boasts 36 branches, 700 employees and £200 million turnover, founded in 1921 and operates across London and the South East of England.The RoleAssistant Branch Manager To ensure the overall success of all the functions of a branch, by effectively managing all operational activities, sales and margins, recruitment, Health & Safety and building a rapport with staff and with customers to attract new business. Responsibility for making sure that the branch meets its goals and objectives whilst meeting company deadlines.Branch Postcode - N7 9BNWorking hours are Monday - Friday 09.00 - 18.00, plus 1 in 3 Saturdays 08.00 - 12.00.What is in it for you…Salary £40,000 - £45,000 depending on experience·        23 Days Holiday + Bank Holidays rising on Jan 2025 to 25 Days Holiday plus a one day celebration day + Bank Holidays ·        Pension Scheme·        Death In Service Scheme·        Employee Assisted ProgrammeKey Accountabilities… ·        Exceed Sales, Margins, and profit budgets whilst controlling costs as agreed·        Ensure Lawsons Best Practice, Standards and Company Policies are met·        Recruit, develop and motivate the individuals within your team to reach their full potential·        Regularly communicate branch and company performance to the team·        Undertake disciplinary and grievance procedures when required·        Take overall responsibility for all administrative and auditable tasks·        Contribute and communicate ideas, proposals and initiatives for improving operations and administration procedures to develop/expand the Company·        Adhere to the Company's high standards of Health & Safety and Security·        All aspects of day-to-day management of the branch·        Capitalise on opportunities for cost savings across the business·        Deputise for the Branch Manager in their absenceWe would love to meet someone with…Previous experience working as an Assistant Manager in a Builders Merchants. A Full UK Driving License (essential)Role-modelling behaviours (holding high level of integrity, honesty, and confidentiality within the department) Excellent communication, Influencing and negotiating skills.·        Ability to prioritise responsibilities under pressure and be self-motivated·        Excellent time management skills·        Strong leader with good entrepreneurial skills·        Ability to be hands-on where needed and lead from the front when required·        Someone who will promote and adhere to the company's cultures, values and professionalism·        Commercial Awareness of the Industry·        Excellent IT skills (word, Excel, and Outlook)·        Previous sales and operations experience·        Understanding of the business financials

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