Assistant Bar Manager

The 4* Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal is currently looking for an experienced Assistant Bar Manager to join our experienced team.The candidate must have previous experience in Food and Beverage Management, be enthusiastic, energetic and customer focused with the ability to work well under pressure and to fit in with the existing team.Main DutiesTo manage the activities of the Bar as directed by the Manager, to ensure quality and standards of service are maintained to a consistent level in accordance with company Standards.Put a strong focus on customer care, ensuring that customers receive the highest possible level of service and care.To exercise effective stock rotation and maintain stock levels as directed by the ManagerTo ensure that the Bar is kept clean and tidy at all times.Follow rigidly and observe all hygiene regulations.To suggest ways of up-selling and maximizing Bar profits.To carry out administrative duties as required and ensure the accuracy of floats by checking them before and after your shift and reporting any irregularities to the Manager.To be fully aware of all current liquor licensing laws and to follow these regulations strictlyTo maintain a physical presence on the floor and liaise closely with the Manager, kitchen and Head ChefRequirementsBar management experience in a similar role is essentialAbility to manage and lead staffExcellent knowledge of Food & BeverageAbility to work well under pressureHigh standards and attention to detailIf you are interested in joining our team and you feel you have exceptional attention to the delivery of customer service, please let us know. Only those who pass the screening process will be contacted for interview.

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