Assistant Accommodation Manager

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, part of the Talbot Collection are currently recruiting for an experienced Assistant Accommodation Manager. Overall Job Purpose:The Assistant Accommodation Manager will work alongside the Accommodation Manager in the daily operation of the Accommodation Department and assist with office work. To have a comprehensive understanding of the Accommodation Manager's role and be able to step in and take over the daily running of the department should the need arises. To ensure that all guest bedrooms and public areas are cleaned to the highest standard.To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program. To be respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times.Main Duties:Responsible for the smooth running of the Accommodation Department in line with company’s SOPs, predetermined budgets, and all relevant legislationEnsure all staff in Housekeeping comply with Hotel’s Policy regarding uniform and personal hygiene and Health & SafetySupport the Accommodation Manager in developing, training and coaching housekeeping staff to the standards required by the HotelAssist in creating, updating, and implement departmental SOPsBe aware of the day’s business both in Room Occupancy, Special Requirements and VIP needs.Liaise with Reception regarding Room moves, VIP guests, Special Needs and act on any information given.Issue keys, room lists, house assistant check lists and cleaning schedules to housekeeping staff at the beginning of shift and collect and check them at end of shift.Check all work given to the Room Assistants, Linen Porters and Maintenance throughout the day to ensure standards are being adhered to.Regularly Inspect guest rooms, public areas, recreational area for cleanliness, appearance and make sure these areas are kept as per the hotel’s standard.Ensure all Maintenance work in Bedrooms, Laundry and Public Areas are rectified prior to releasing rooms back to Front Desk.In the absence of the Accommodation Manager, create and input the weekly roster into Timepoint before the deadline, considering the hotel status (Arrival / Departure / Occupancy)Assist the Accommodation Manager in the daily control and update of staff attendance in Timepoint ensuring accuracy of payrollIn the absence of the Accommodation Manager, manage the ordering of supplies and maintain stock levels of stationary, linen and amenity requirements to ensure consistency in standardsSupport the Accommodation Manager to identify any recruitment needs in the department and act proactively to resolve any shortage of labourRequirements:Ideally 2+ years' experience in a similar role.Excellent command of the English language.What do we offer?Competitive SalaryContributory Pension Scheme whereby the company matches contributions up to 3% (minimum service requirement)Complimentary TalbotFit membershipStaff meals on dutyLife Insurance15% discount in Pettitt's SuperValuGroup family and friends’ rates on AccommodationEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parking***Talbot Collection Stillorgan is an equal opportunities employer*** 

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