Assessment and Liaison Nurse

At CareChoice, we are committed to revolutionizing the healthcare experience. With a legacy of over two decades in the Nursing Homes Sector, we are embarking on a journey to become the most trusted and respected Healthcare provider brand in Ireland. Our new sub-acute facility at Parnell Road is a testament to our dedication to innovation, quality care, and professional growth. The 143-bed, state-of-the-art facility is working in conjunction with Ireland's largest acute hospital to provide step-down/ sub-acute care to patients.We are currently recruiting for the role of the Assessment and Liaison Nurse, a key position to the continued development and offering in our Parnell Road facility. The primary responsibility of the role is to assess potential patients in a hospital setting to ensure that we can met their care needs. This position involves comprehensive assessment of patients in an acute care setting to determine their readiness and eligibility for transfer to a stepdown/ sub-acute unit, ensuring a seamless transition that aligns with patient recovery goals and healthcare standards.  Essential CriteriaThe successful candidate would have the necessary clinical skills and experience in assessments arising from working in nursing homes or the acute sector.A minimum of 7 years post qualification experience. At least 2 years of nursing management experience preferred. Be a qualified nurse with an Active NMBI Registration.Have a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements.Have the ability to manage one’s own workload effectively while responding to new demands at short notice.Demonstrate an ability to embrace change and be committed to continuous improvement.Have skills and experience and the ability to build constructive relationships with potential patients, their families, and referring organisations.Be available to work flexible hours across a 7-day week. Role will be based in the Dublin region.  Principal Duties and Responsibilities:Conduct thorough evaluations of patients in the acute care setting, including physical, psychological, and social assessments, to identify those eligible for transfer to sub-acute care.Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams including Consultants, acute and sub-acute care nurses, social workers, discharge coordinators and other healthcare professionals to develop and implement transition plans.Provide patients and their families with information regarding the transition process, setting expectations for sub-acute care, and offering support and reassurance.Identify clinical needs/requirements for admission and communicate to the Nursing team as appropriateMaintain detailed records of assessments, decisions, and plans. Communicate effectively with both the sending and receiving units to ensure clarity and continuity of care.Participate in quality improvement initiatives, offering insights and feedback on the transition process to enhance patient care and outcomes.Ensure all transition activities comply with hospital policies, healthcare regulations, and best practice standards.Together with the Director of Nursing and Director of Operations for the unit, assess potential patients to ensure a full and thorough understanding of their health and social needs.Together with the Director of Nursing, Director of Operations and MDT, ensure that the unit is positioned to provide the care required for the potential resident from a clinical and social perspective.Develop strong relationships with our partner Hospitals.Communicate openly and clearly with the Provider, Director of Quality and Innovation, Director of Nursing, and nurse management in Carechoice to ensure that there is a seamless transition for the patient.Co-ordinate with relevant stakeholders to ensure management of bed occupancy through a daily log of bed vacancies, planned admissions, and waiting lists.Attend and participate in regular management meetings in CareChoice Head Office, referring hospital and CareChoice Parnell Road. Along with other CareChoice faciliaties when required. Deliver regular reporting on KPIs.

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