Artic Truck Driver

ARTICULATED TRUCK DRIVERFulltime/Permanent PositionShift times will vary between the hours of 5am - 4pmRole will be based from AshbourneRole & ResponsibilitiesThe primary role will be transport and delivery of goods nationwide on a daily basis in an Articulated Truck.Duties will include:·       Checking all orders against manifests and signing on receipt of orders·       Ensuring all delivery paperwork is completed and accurate·       Report all delivery issues to customer services/ Management in a timely manner·       Report all vehicle maintenance issues to management·       Adhere to the Companies Health & Safety Policy·       Role is a physical role so candidate will need to be fit and able with manual handling certKey Competencies Essential:·       Full Clean CE licence·       White Goods experience·       Digital Tachograph Card·       All CPC’s required and in date·       Relevant experience in Ireland driving:- Articulated Trucks·       Fluent English is essential·       Must be flexible·       Must be available to complete multidrop nationwide deliveries·       Must work to deadlines·       Manual handling cert

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