Area Manager (Dublin Region) - Full-time

Job descriptionEden Medical Clinic itself was founded by Dr Emma Sheehan in 2016, Emma qualified as a dentist and moved to London in 2010, where she studied under Professor Bob Khanna, after a number of years in London she came back to Cork and opened our first location, since then she has opened a further ten Eden locations in Belfast, Dublin (3), Bray, Drogheda, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, and Waterford.Emma has a passion for facial aesthetics and the provision of non-permanent solutions in aesthetic treatments. At Eden our core values circulate around maintaining clinical excellence and safety, and striving to ensure the highest standard of treatments are delivered to our patients. We also aim to educate our patients on the safe, effective and natural application of aesthetic treatments, we have a keen focus on developing bespoke plans that are aligned to our patients medical needs. Professional development is something that is held in high regard in the clinic and we always support and encourage our teams professional development.THE ROLE IN QUESTION.....We are looking for a trainee manager to help in the management of the support team and act as a key member of the management team to help grow the Eden team and the Eden brand.Main Responsibilities include:- Manage workflow/diary and team schedules- Cover and provide support to various clinic locations across Ireland- Flexibility in supporting team, e.g. annual leave or sick cover etc- Ensuring efficiencies of tasks- Answering support team queries- Ensuring staff and the working environment are in line with compliance standards- Training and guiding new employees- Assist in the performance management of team members- Respect for Management structure within the organisation and implement this structure across support teamPotential Tasks (Between trainee manager and Head of Operations)- Weekly Nuacom reports- Weekly Phorest reports- Weekly Manual reports- Weekly Superdoc- 1:1s- Delivering feedback regularly- Training- Diary Management-liase and Area Support- Recruitment when required: Coordinate with both HR and area support team- Stock take analysis- following up on nightly Azzalure counts and accounting for any shortfalls- Analysing orders and ensuring accuracy and full availability of stock at all times- Nurturing a positive working environment and removing any negative influences which may impact the team- Mediate any personal issues which arrive, in a professional and efficient mannerKey skills/attributes:- Positive, enthusiastic and friendly attitude- Reliable and trustworthy- Critical thinker- Passion for helping and connecting with people to build trust and a good rapport- Proven ability to prioritise and multi-task within a fast paced environment- Excellent written and verbal communication- Strong organisational skills- Confident to communicate in a professional manner- Computer literate- Being able to adapt to changeAdditional Requirements:- Region to cover: ROI- Working week: Mon-Sun- Hours: 40+ p/w incl. bank holidays- Weekends and Evenings- Training in Cork clinic for minimum of 2 weeks- Additional driving expenses will be coveredJob Type: Full-timeSalary: From €40,000.00 per yearJob Type: Full-timePay: From €40,000.00 per yearBenefits:Employee discountPerformance BonusSchedule:Monday to FridayWeekend availability

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