Area Dispatcher/ Job Scheduler

Title: Area Dispatcher        Reporting to: Call Desk Supervisor Location: Dundee Service Facility Principal Objectives: ·      Successfully control and co-ordinate interventions (site visits) for approximately 20-30 field-based engineers. ·      Management of interventions until successful conclusion for customers.·      Provide 1st line technical support to customer.  Key Responsibilities: ·      Call Handling (to receive and log into Database all service calls)·      Controlling and co-ordinating of daily workloads for field technicians to ensure maximum efficiency and utilisation of resources while maintaining successful service level agreements % and customer satisfaction.·      Updating customer databases ·      Completion of daily/weekly and monthly reports·      Daily administration as directed by call desk supervisor·      Log and, where applicable, deal with customer queries and complaints·      Remote diagnostics and level 1 fix of customer IT issues·      Liaise with customers’ site staff to effect immediate resolution to faults.   As per Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Employee’s must also•  Take care of their own health and safety and that of others•  Co-operate with their employers•  Not interfere with anything provided in the interest of health and safety  Skills & Abilities Required (Essential): •  Previous experience in a customer service role•  Good communication skills (particularly verbal)•  Good organisational & time management skills•  Proven ability to multitask•  Successful working as part of a team     •  Good understanding of Microsoft packages i.e. Outlook, Excel, Word.•  Flexible – Flexible contract 07.45 to 20.00 Sunday to Saturday (five days out of seven) Skills & Abilities Required (Desirable): •  Good understanding of IT and bespoke software packages Additional •  Once in position candidate to receive training in line with Health & Safety Law.

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