Apprenticeships/T-level Placements/Internships/Work Experience

Exciting Opportunities for Students: Apprenticeships, T-Level Placements, Internships, and Work Experience!Location: London, Birmingham, ManchesterAre you ready to kickstart your career in construction? Baily Garner offers a variety of pathways to help you achieve your goals. Whether you're interested in technical or non-technical roles, we have something for you!What we can offer you:Earn while you learnOn the job trainingMentoring and coaching with experienced professionalsFun, friendly companyStaff benefitsLive projects to work onWork as part of a teamAs much responsibility as you want to have and are capable of managingWork experience placements1 or 2 weeks as either multidisciplinary or discipline specific un-paid placements so you can have first hand experience of day to day life in a role at Baily Garner.Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships or Sponsored DegreesWe fund part-time degrees including undergraduate and post graduate. Alternatively gain your chartership with a degree apprenticeshipTechnicalArchitectureBuilding SurveyingElectrical EngineeringHealth and SafetyMechanical EngineeringProject ManagementQuantity SurveyingQuality Control InspectionSustainabilityWe also offer non-technical apprenticeshipsNon-TechnicalFinanceITHuman ResourcesMarketingProject AdministrationSimply submit your CV and cover letter stating clearly what discipline and opportunity you are looking for. If successful we will contact you to invite you for an interview.Note: Due to high application volumes, we may not be able to provide immediate feedback, but we aim to respond to everyone.Baily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs. We are committed to ensuring a fair and inclusive recruitment process. If you require any reasonable adjustments to be made at any stage, please let us know.Example: If you need additional time for assessments, require materials in an alternative format, or need a different interview setting, please inform us, and we will make the necessary arrangements.

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