Apprenticeships In Engineering – Level 3 to Level 5

Permanent full time apprenticeship training roles, combining fully sponsored / paid personal development workplace experience and skills training, supported with day release college course through from Level 3, potentially up to Level 5.We have a range of exciting opportunities for the following Apprenticeship / Trainee roles, to join our growing and friendly team, at Niftylift. The roles are based at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes, where we design and build industry leading access platforms ranging from 12 metres up to 28metres, which are then exported worldwide.Level 3 – Advanced Engineering Apprenticeship - Manufacturing & Assembly Technician (Craft) Trainee.Level 3 / 4 plus – Higher Advanced Engineering Apprenticeship - Engineering Support Technician Trainee.Niftylift Limited is one of the world’s leading privately owned designers and manufacturers of mobile elevated work platforms. Our customer base is global, with products sold and locally supported in over 40 different countries. This success is comprehensively supported by a team of over 400 full time people across our three UK centres of excellence / manufacturing sites in the UK. Please see our website: offer competitive pay rates, excellent working conditions, overtime premiums, bonuses, 25 days holiday which increases with service, plus bank holidays, healthcare & benefits scheme, 5% contributory pension, death in service / life insurance, and subsidised refreshments (lunch and drinks).If you have a true demonstrated / inherent interest in engineering and wish to personally develop a career in engineering, with structured guided actual experience and theoretical education, with a market leading Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), please apply for one of the roles below:Level 3 – Advanced Engineering Apprenticeship - Manufacturing & Assembly Technician (Craft) Trainee.This is a hands-on workshop based 4-year apprenticeship. You will be part of a team, where your experience, skills and knowledge in mechanical assembly, hydraulic fitting and electrical and installation will be developed through a mixture of working within our inhouse training centre, working alongside skilled technician ‘buddies’, and paid day release attendance at college studying for a Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing & Practical skills training qualifications. Entry qualifications: Minimum of Level 2 in Engineering, or GCSE grade 4 (C) qualification in Maths, English and Science.Example potential roles at the end of the apprenticeship: Skilled Production / Assembly Manufacturing Technician, Service Engineer, Development Technician, Production Team Leader.Level 3 / 4 plus – Higher Advanced Engineering Apprenticeship - Engineering Support Technician Trainee.This is a technical engineering based 4-year apprenticeship. You will receive an initial foundation in mechanical assembly, hydraulic fitting and electrical and installation hands on practical skills and experience, which will then transfer into being developed in a range of technical areas for both current and new product support and development . You will be developed through a mixture of working alongside skilled engineers ‘buddies’, and paid day release attendance at college studying for a Level 3, with potential to increase to Level 4 or 5 Higher National Certificate / Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing & Practical skills training qualifications.Entry qualifications: Minimum of Level 2 in Engineering, or GCSE grade 4 (C) qualification in Maths, English and Science.Example potential roles at the end of the apprenticeship: Design Engineer, Quality Engineer, Production Engineer, Engineering Commodity Buyer, Development Engineer.Working Hours & Salary:Milton Keynes- Hours will be 08.00 - 16.30 Monday - Friday (with regular structured overtime if over 18).Structured Apprenticeship rates that align with year 1 – 4 status of your apprenticeship and your age.Salary Starting at £14,518.4, which increases each year.Pay & Benefits:Annual bonus (for indication only) based on recent average £500 per annum.25 days holiday (increases with service, up to 30 days), plus bank holidays.Staff discountsCorporate gym membershipsFree on-site parkingSubsidised refreshments (lunch and drink options).Free quarterly team lunchesFree family eventsHealth cover scheme for dental, optical etc. (Additional Membership available for Partners, paid for by employee. Kids membership included for free)5% contributory pensionLife insurance schemeStore discounts.

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