Apprentice Technician - Earn While You Learn!

 Dreaming of a motor industry career? Not sure where to start?This is your chance to join one of Ireland’s leading motor groups at the perfect time! Auto Boland is rapidly expanding and looking for top quality First Year Apprentices to join the team across multiple of our Waterford dealerships. This is your chance to work first-hand with world famous brands such as Volvo, Honda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Audi, Renault, Dasia & Peugeot. What are the Requirements?Leaving Cert/Leaving Cert Applied MathsClean driver’s license (Full/Learners)Mechanical experience or knowledge is desirable but not essential A genuine passion for cars with a willingness to learn and developA team player with good communication skillsThe ability to use your own initiative and multi-task  What are the Benefits?Obtain a QQI Level 6 qualification while you earn a salary20 days annual leave (Mon-Fri working week)Excellent career progression and networking opportunities availableGood work/life balance working hoursTechnical branded training with premium brands Why Auto Boland?Here at Auto Boland, we will give you the tools to reach your full potential and ambitions. You will start to develop your skills as you work alongside our team of master technicians in our busy workshops where you will learn the tricks of the trade. You are given our full support and guidance throughout your apprenticeship. Looking for the keys to your motor industry career? Apply with your CV today!

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