Apprentice Refrigeration Engineer

Ballinlough are Thermo King dealers for the Republic of Ireland. Thermo King is the world leader in transport refrigeration.We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic apprentice to join our team as a Transport Refrigeration Engineer. The successful candidate will work alongside our experienced team members to learn the skills and techniques necessary to maintain, repair, and install refrigeration systems used in vehicles such as trucks, trailers, and vans. The apprentice will assist in diagnosing and repairing refrigeration system issues, performing preventative maintenance, and troubleshooting electrical and electronic components. This is a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a fast-paced, growing industry.Responsibilities:Assist experienced transport refrigeration engineers in diagnosing and repairing refrigeration system problemsHelp repair and replace defective components such as compressors, condensers, and evaporatorsLearn to charge refrigeration systems with the appropriate amount of refrigerantAssist in testing and adjusting system components to ensure optimal performanceParticipate in performing preventative maintenance on refrigeration systems to minimise breakdowns and extend system lifeAssist in installing new refrigeration systems in vehiclesHelp troubleshoot electrical and electronic components such as sensors, thermostats, and control systemsLearn to keep accurate records of maintenance and repairs performedFollow safety protocols and regulationsRequirements:Willingness to learn and be trainedBasic understanding of mechanical principlesGood communication skillsAbility to work well in a team environmentWillingness to work flexible hoursPreferred Qualifications:Basic knowledge of refrigeration systems and their componentsValid driving licenceWe are an equal opportunity employer and welcome all qualified candidates to apply. This is a full-time position with a comprehensive training program. If you are a motivated individual who is eager to learn and start a career as a transport refrigeration engineer, please submit your application today.

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