Apprentice Pipefitter

We are currently recruiting for Apprentice Pipefitters to join our team in Cork.About UsRockwell Engineering was established in Cork in 1981, and since then, has grown to become an established specialist in cleanroom construction, HVAC services, heat recovery and carbon emission reduction projects, as well as general mechanical and electrical services.Rockwell operate in all industry sectors, with particular knowledge and experience in the Bio Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Electronics, Food & Dairy and Data Centre/Light Industrial sectors.About the RoleReporting to the Workshop Lead & Senior Mechanical Supervisor, you will work on, and contribute to our key projects.Key duties of the role include, but are not restricted to, learning and becoming proficient in:· Working with screwed carbon steel pipework.· The assembly, laying, installing and maintaining of pipes. The pipe systems may include, but are not limited to: pipes, flanges, supports, valves, gauges, hangers and angles.· Appropriate use of tools, including power tools, and equipment.· Correct use of gas cutting equipment (burning gear).· Maintaining and checking of own small tools and equipment.· Reading and interpreting drawings.· Knowledge of safety precautions and risks associated with tasks.About YouThe ideal candidate will be hard-working, organised and efficient, pay strong attention to detail, be a good communicator and be keen to learn.If you have answered 'yes' to the above, then we would love to hear from you.Valid Safe Pass is required for this position.Valid Manual Handling Certification would be preferred for this position.You will be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) pertaining to this role, including but not limited to: hard hat, safety glasses/goggles, ear plugs/muffs, masks/respirators, safety vests, gloves and steel-toe boots.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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