Apprentice Motor Technician

Have you considered a Motor Technician Apprenticeship?Due to continuous expansion, Audi Kilkenny are looking for an Apprentice Technician to join the team. The ideal candidate will have a genuine passion for cars and a strong willingness to learn. What is Involved?The apprentice will join us for the on-the-job element of their Solas training where they will work alongside our team of master technicians who will provide excellent guidance and expertise. What are the Requirements?Leaving Cert/Leaving Cert Applied Maths (Essential)Full, clean driver’s license (or learner’s permit with a test booked)Mechanical experience/knowledge is desirable, not essentialHard working and enthusiasticTeam player with excellent communication skillsGood time management skills with the ability to multi-taskFurther information on the statutory apprenticeship scheme and minimum entry requirements can be found on the Solas Website -   What are the Responsibilities?Learn the skills and be part of a multi-disciplined team that is capable of performing a wide range of engineering activities related to customers vehicles and detached components. Carry out PDI’s.Undertaking fault analysis and implement solutions to a wide range of cars and light vehicles in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Service Cars as requested.Ensure compliance with all Management System requirements, including quality, workplace health and safety and environmental management requirements.Attend Solas apprenticeship training and pass all exams within the 4-year timeframe.Ensure that Clean Service Kits and vehicle protection aids are used at all times. What are the Benefits?Obtain a QQI Level 6 qualification while you earn money20 days annual leave Excellent career progression opportunitiesTechnical branded trainingCompetitive salary once qualifiedIf you want to join the motor industry at an exciting time, apply with your CV today! 

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