Apprentice Motor Mechanic - Kilkenny

Do you have a passion for motors?Would you like to earn money while you learn?Are you up for the challenge of working for one of Ireland’s Leading Motor Groups?Then this is the opportunity for you!We are looking for a candidate, who is extremely passionate about cars, to work as an Apprentice Motor Technician with Auto Boland in Audi Kilkenny and O'Briens Kilkenny. The successful candidate will be collaborating with our dedicated team of Master Technicians where they will gain invaluable experience and exposure to the motor industry. Apprentice Technician - With a view to join Solas Apprenticeship Programme. Why Auto Boland?Here at Auto Boland Kilkenny, you will be working in a fast-paced, well-equipped workshop with a team of highly skilled mechanics who will teach you the ropes and pass on their valuable knowledge and first-hand experience. Hard work is always rewarded, and new employees will receive top quality training from the industry’s best which will allow them to excel in a career they will be passionate about. Requirements:Full clean drivers license (Essential, learners with a test booked also accepted).Leaving Cert Maths (Essential).Commitment to a 4 year programme that involves both on and off-the-job training.Experience in the motor industry and mechanical knowledge (Desirable).Willingness to learn, take direction and problem-solve.Self-motivated and dedicated to achieving high standards.Excellent time management skills and attention to detail.Further information on the statutory apprenticeship scheme and minimum entry requirements can be found on Benefits:QQI Level 6 Qualification.Work/life balance working hours with a positive working culture.The opportunity to earn money while you learn.Annual Leave of 20 days - no weekends, no bank holidays.Endless opportunities to progress within a multi franchise group.Competitive salary once qualified.Branded technical training.Work with internationally recognised brands such as Audi, Renault, Dacia, and many more!Do you think you have what it takes to work in a fast-paced, exciting industry? Please send us your CV and cover letter today!

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