Apprentice Electricians (2nd year & 3rd year)

 Job title:               Apprentice Electricians (2nd Year & 3rd Year) required Reporting to:        Production Manager  The Role: Apprentice Electricians (Castlebellingham Facility) An Electrical apprenticeship is a full-time training programme that combines classroom-based learning with work-based learning in a company. At least 50% of apprenticeship learning is completed in the workplace. Apprentices ‘earn while they learn’ – they have an employment contract and are paid a salary for the duration of their apprenticeship training. To become an apprentice in Ireland you must be hired by an employer who is approved to employ apprentices. Apprenticeship is a fantastic way to get started in a career, by gaining practical, on-the-job experience and skills. It also offers participants the opportunity to get an internationally recognised qualification, which is on the National Framework of Qualifications. On completion of this four-year apprenticeship, you will become a fully qualified electrician, with a QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate Craft – Electrical.Many apprentices use their apprenticeship qualification as a platform to launch careers such as engineers, managers, owners of businesses, teachers and instructors amongst others.This apprenticeship is a 4-year programme consisting of 7 phases. 4 on-the-job and 3 off-the-job in a training facility. ·       Safe Pass desirable but not essential For further information on the above role, please contact HR on 041 686 2022 (Ext 3). The preceding statements are intended to describe the general nature & level of work being performed by people assigned to this job. They are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of personnel so classified. “Suretank is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.”

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