Amenities and Cleaning Operative

ABP Food Group is a food business that specialises in the supply and development, producing award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale. ABP Langport is part of the ABP UK division within the ABP Food Group aiming to provide quality beef to thousands of customers across the world.Here at ABP Langport, located in Southwest Somerset (TA10 9HG), we are currently recruiting the ideal candidate to join our Amenities Team. Role definition:Carry out required cleaning and hygiene tasks to ensure that the standard of hygiene in areas outside of the production plants support the hygienic preparation of fresh meat and do not compromise the food safety or quality objectives of the company. Main Duties and Responsibilities:Ensure that debris is not allowed to accumulate within the office/changing room areasEnsure adequate supplies of hand towels, hand soap and sanitiser at all timesEnsure cleaning tasks are carried out with proper regard to Health and Safety and COSHH requirements at all timesMaintain a clean and hygienic condition to offices and general areas as requiredCollect and make ready all fabric protective clothing for launderingCarry out washing and drying of PPE cleaned on siteIssue PPE, recording and retaining details of equipment and staff member. Provide training to new staff members on correct dressing techniquesIssue knives, steels and other equipment as required, maintaining records and data of equipment issuedPrepare data for management team if requiredManage PPE stock levels and advise Transport and Purchasing Manager of need to reorder in good time so production is not compromisedMonitor condition of equipment and advise Transport and Purchasing Manager of need to reorder in good time so production is not compromised Knowledge and Experience: EssentialThe ideal candidate will demonstrate a background involving maintenance of a busy and multi-use working environment. They must be problem solving and able to maintain calm under pressure of multi-tasking. The candidate should have good interpersonal skills and be flexible to accommodate the needs of the business if these change during the working day. Where instances of incorrect PPE use are observed, the individual must be prepared to bring this to the attention of a manager to resolve. DesirablePrevious experience in a similar role however, no formal qualifications are required. Schedule:Day ShiftMonday to Friday8am to 6pm Reporting to: Technical ManagerRate: £12.00 per hour Benefits: Social HoursNo bank holidaysPermanent RolesSubsidised CanteenCycle to Work SchemePensionEmployee of the Month Reward SchemeSummer and Christmas PartiesOn site Occupation Health NurseAdditional Employee Incentive, Welfare Support The ABP Values Trust & Respect: We take care of each other by creating an inclusive working environment. We listen actively and respect the views of others. We maintain the highest safety standards possible.Know the Purpose: We know our role in the business and how it helps us and others to succeed.Own It: Taking ownership for all we do, think and say is vital to creating an environment of honesty, openness and transparency: Particularly when it comes to delivering great servicePassion for Excellence: We have a “can-do” attitude. We champion continuous improvement for ourselves and the business.Inspire Others: We support others wherever we can by creating opportunities for people.

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