Aim Support, Balgriffin

We are looking for an Aim support workers for our Centre in Balgriffin.Hours: 15 hours a weekPosition: AIM SupportStart Date: ASAP Contract: Fixed, Term TimeBenefits & what we can offer you:Competitive salary30 paid holiday days, including bank holidays (Holiday increments based on length of service)5 days statutory sick paymentFlyeFit Gym DiscountedExclusive Colleague Lifestyle & Learning Discount PlatformAccess to HSF Health Plan with 10% discount benefitReferral bonus for introducing new colleagues (250 euro), UnlimitedEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP), Further development and training within the industry.Continuing Professional Development (CPD)Colleague Recognition Rewards (Tigers stripes Programme)Neuro-divergent allowancesEducational assistance Programme to support colleagues in their developmentThorough onboarding induction ProgrammeCandidate Requirements for Early Years Educator-AIM Support:(Candidates who do not meet the requirements listed will not be considered):Candidates must hold a minimum of Fetac Level 5 (or recognized equivalent) in a childcare qualification.Candidates preferred to have at least 1 year experience in a childcare role.Duties & Responsibilities of Early Years Educator-AIM Support:(Duties will be discussed in full at time of interview. A brief outline is below):To support and assist in the provision of full time day care of the highest quality, in a holistic setting.Ensure a good standard of hygiene.Organize materials and toys to the benefit of children throughout the day.Support children's developments - emotional, social, physical and cognitive in carrying out activities.Conduct observations & learning stories for assigned child/children.Attend meetings and undergo training as required.Perform other reasonable and relevant duties as may be assigned from time to time.Transport Routes Available:42, 43, 15 & 27 busIf the above job description sounds like you and you are ready to take the next step in your career please follow the link & apply, we can't wait to hear from you!!Garda Vetting will be required for this role, we will look after this for you!#INDBL 

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