Childcare AIM Support, Ridgewood 30 hours per week

Tigers Childcare are looking to recruit an experienced, dedicated, professional educator to join our team of childcare professionals in our pre-school based in Ridgewood, Swords, Co DublinHours: 30 hours a weekPosition: : Early Years Educator - AIM Support (3-5 years)Start Date: ASAP Contract: Permanent Rate of Pay: NegotiableBenefits & what we can offer you:Competitive salaryEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP)Continuing Professional Development (CPD)Educational AssistanceColleague Recognition RewardsAccess to HSF Health PlanExclusive Colleague Lifestyle & Learning Discount PlatformReferral bonus for introducing new colleagues20 days annual leave (pro-rata for part-time colleagues)Holiday increments based on length of serviceFurther development and training within the industryProgression opportunities within the companyThe opportunity to work with a team of dedicated childcare professionalsSalary Scale for progression within the companyCandidate Requirements for Early Years Educator-AIM Support:(Candidates who do not meet the requirements listed will not be considered):Candidates must hold a minimum of Fetac Level 5 (or recognized equivalent) in a childcare qualification.Candidates must have at least 1 year experience in a childcare role.Candidates must provide 2 x written references and copy of qualification certificates at time of interview.Candidate details will be submitted for Garda Vetting.Candidates who have lived outside of the jurisdiction for 6 months or more must provide international police vetting.Duties & Responsibilities of Early Years Educator-AIM Support:(Duties will be discussed in full at time of interview. A brief outline is below):To support and assist in the provision of full time day care of the highest quality, in a holistic setting.Ensure a good standard of hygiene.Organize materials and toys to the benefit of children throughout the day.Support children's developments - emotional, social, physical and cognitive in carrying out activities.Conduct observations & learning stories for assigned child/children.Attend meetings and undergo training as required.Perform other reasonable and relevant duties as may be assigned from time to time.If the above job description sounds like you and you are ready to take the next step in your career please follow the link & apply, we can't wait to hear from you!!

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