Agribusiness Graduate Programme

North Cork Creameries are seeking enthusiastic and highly motivated individuals for our Agribusiness Graduate Programme which will commence in August 2024. This two-year graduate programme aims to provide future leaders with a comprehensive experience within our Agribusiness division. During this time, you will experience on the job training in: Technical supportAgri salesE-procurementMarketingRetail management  This graduate programme also provides formal training enabling you to develop the skills to flourish within our Co-operative. Disciplines covered on this program include:   Lean ManagementMarketingValue StreamEffective Communication North Cork Creameries Agribusiness division supports milk producers and the entire rural community with high performance animal feeds, fertilisers and a wide range of farm inputs from our 4 retail outlets at Kanturk, Cullen, Fealesbridge and Newtownsandes. Our Mission is to optimise the growth and profitability of our co-operative’s stakeholders and milk suppliers by providing them with first class technical advice and support combined with high quality, competitively priced farm inputs and excellent customer service. Our expert Agribusiness team offers a best-in-class technical sales and advisory service to all customers. Our outlets provide a wide range of high-quality products at the most competitive prices. Applicants must possess:·        A qualification in Agricultural Science or a relevant discipline ·        Experience in customer service desirable but not essential·        Good knowledge and a passion for agriculture·        Excellent communication skills - written and oral·        Problem solving skills·        Proficiency with Microsoft OfficeNorth Cork Creameries is an equal opportunities employer.

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